In October 2017, we had a CRO PROS event in Sydney, Australia.

We all know that capturing data is essential to creating a successful digital strategy and personalisation programme. However, data on its own it isn’t going to get you the results you are after. The key to success is to correctly interpret visitor behaviour and translate the insights into a solid conversion and personalisation strategy for your digital assets and across multiple channels.

Experts shared the insights and practical tips during the event to bridge this gap successfully.

These video’s will show the event and presentations. Michaela Aguilar, General Manager @ Catchi opened and closed the event. There were four different speakers:


  • Krista Seiden, Analytics Advocate, Google
    Krista spoke about getting the most out of the CRO efforts means understanding the data you’re collecting from analytics implementation, to report setup, to analysis techniques. She learned the top 5 tips for how to Turbo-charge your CRO efforts using any analytis platforms.


  • Cornelius Boertjens, Managing Director, Catchi
    Cornelius mentioned that traditional marketing can often be budget-led. With growth hacking we look for the most effective and efficient ways to grow a business using a process of rapid testing across (digital) marketing channels. Using digital insights (LEAN Analytics) and usability studies as the foundation, Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) and Personalisation are the primary tools of the growth hacker.
    During his presentation, he discussed the pitfalls, showed how large coporates are successfully using CRO and Personalisation to adapt a “hacking” mentality, leading to a more agile way of going about their marketing efforts.


  • Kiran Kumar, Founder and CEO, Competeshark
    He gave information about which CRO opportunities to focus on at any time, which ideas make the cut and how to priotise all the ideas. During the presentation, they looked at some real world examples of the CRO approach real brands are taking, from all over the world. They delved a little into how Agile can be used in your CRO pipeline in a very simple way and show you what uplift you can expect for all your hard work.


  • Paul Keen, Chief Technology Officer, Airtasker
    Paul spoke about how start-ups reach scale on a shoestring budget. Through his talk will you be enlighten and you will find out how Airtasker managed to raise 22M in 2016. He learned the visitors about using and MVP and agile approach over a large-scale implementation and mega investments in software and resources.

Part 1: Krista Seiden, Analytics Advocate, Google

Part 2: Cornelius Boertjens, Managing Director, Catchi

Part 3: Kiran Kumar, Founder and CEO, Competeshark

Part 4: Paul Keen, Chief Technology Officer, Airtasker

For more information, get in touch with our team or leave a comment below.


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