About Cornelius Boertjens

Cornelius is a digital marketing strategist with over 10 years of internet marketing experience. He specialises in increasing online sales and leads via conversion rate optimisation (CRO). By implementing proven conversion techniques and running highly effective CRO tests he has had a significant impact on the bottom line for many very well-known companies. Cornelius is also one of the Head Tutors of the New Zealand Marketing Association’s Certificate of Digital Marketing and guest lecturer at the University of Auckland Business School.

How to nab those shopping cart abandoners – and get extra sales

Various studies have shown that shopping cart abandonment is a huge problem faced by online retailers, with 60-80% of shopping carts being abandoned over the last eight years. Are all of those customers lost causes – or is there something [...]

2021-02-11T11:44:02+11:00By |

Multiple franchisees, one website: how to solve the challenges

What does the perfect franchise website look like and how does it work? How do you optimise your website? We asked Catchi managing director Cornelius Boertjens to explain how to convert online visitors into customers. The dream of every franchisor: [...]

2021-02-11T11:44:02+11:00By |

Education, emotion and the holy grail of information

Brokers can up their online engagement by educating their clients, says the co-founder and managing director of website conversion specialist Catchi. Cornelius Boertjens said while much time and money was spent on search engine optimisation (SEO) and driving traffic to [...]

2021-02-11T11:44:02+11:00By |

The 4 types of customers: how websites can capture them

Looking to convert more leads into sales from your website? As Cornelius Boertjens explains, it’s all about categorising your target audience correctly and implemented the necessary measures to reel them in. Making your e-commerce offering successful is easier than you [...]

2021-02-11T11:44:02+11:00By |

Optimising Successfully in the Face of Constantly Increasing Cost Per Click

Staying on top of your Adwords campaign can be a tough job. You’re probably thinking, Duh! Knowing that people are constantly searching different words on the internet. Certain trends come and go. Keywords that are working for your campaign now, [...]

2021-02-11T11:44:07+11:00By |

Catchi appoints highly experienced Digital Strategist Michaela Aguilar as General Manager to head up Catchi Australia

Today Catchi Limited announced the appointment of the highly experienced Digital Strategist Michaela Aguilar, to lead the way and introduce Catchi’s offering into the Australian market. New Zealand based Website Conversion Optimisation firm Catchi has just taken a big step [...]

2021-02-11T11:44:10+11:00By |

Catchi becomes first 3 Star Solution Partner for Optimizely in New Zealand and Australia

New Zealand based Website Conversion Optimisation firm Catchi has just joined the elite group of only 7 companies worldwide that have so far managed to become 3 star Solutions Partner for “Optimizely”, the leading web optimization platform, founded by two [...]

2021-02-11T11:44:10+11:00By |

Best Practices for eCommerce Conversion Optimisation

As you know, conversion rate optimisation research can provide your business with key insights. These insights will delineate global standards when it comes to optimal performing websites. Some of the top online retailers have been evaluated, and a number of [...]

2021-02-11T11:44:10+11:00By |
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