In addition to finding customers via your website, here are 5 easy ways to interact with customers to increase conversion rates. Rather than rely solely on your site to increase online sales, use the following methods to meet and socialize with new customers – or become reacquainted with existing ones.

  1. 1.   Email Lists

If you don’t have a growing email list, you need to get one. Email lists provide an easy and convenient way to increase sales by providing information to those who asked for it (by signing up). It’s easier to sell to those who express interest in your goods and products than it is to convince people they need what you have to sell.

Use your list to send information about new products, promotions, special offers, or surveys. You can create a weekly or monthly newsletter, send advertisements, or send daily tips and advice – just make sure you send emails regularly to remind people about your business.

  1. 2.   Social Media/Blogs

Use social media sites to target those mostly likely to have an interest in your business. Create a blog and market it these same groups. Use these spaces to provide expert advice, commentary, or tips. You can also use social media and blogs to discuss specific issues/problems people face and how your goods and services can help them. Social media and blogging is interactive – people will leave comments and you can respond. It’s a great way to talk to people and build your business by providing a personal touch.

  1. 3.   Get Local

Grassroots marketing is still very much alive – get involved in your community by volunteering, attending marketing events or local events to promote your business. Spread the word by talking to other business owners or partnering to cross-promote goods and services. Not only will you be able to expand your business – you’ll have a great time doing it!

  1. 4.   Direct Mail

Direct mail advertising (short postcards, fliers, or brochures) still sells goods and services. Read up on the latest direct mail trends for your industry and incorporate this form of advertising into your marketing plan. Include your web address, social media and blog contact information on pieces so potential customers can easily find you online.

  1. 5.   Get Mobile

Make sure your website is configured for mobile devices. As more and more people rely on tablets and smartphones to find information online, you need to make sure they can view their site using all devices. Unfortunately, marketing and advertising is still slightly behind technology, so do everything you can to reach your customers.

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