If your website (or landing page) has a relatively high bounce rate, make sure to keep reading as your site may not be offering the information the visitors expects when landing on it. One of the things that I see is often lacking on websites is a sense of clarity. Many websites just don’t communicate well enough WHO the company is, exactly WHAT they do, and WHY this may be of interest to the visitor.

This however should be the first thing visitors learn when visiting your site. When visitors hit your site, they quickly check out your homepage and want to know whether it is worth to spend their precious time further exploring your website. In their first 6 second glance (at the most), you need to earn their browsing time. So your site has to satisfy this need by being very clear on its Value proposition. This doesn’t need to be an extensive piece of copy. A clear tagline and 2-3 sentence strongly worded Value proposition will often do the trick, supported by a strong, relevant design. Essentially, on your site you are creating a visitor flow that creates a so called ‘chain of yesses’, leading to the ultimate “yes” which most often is a lead or a sale; the information offered on your homepage creates the first –rather crucial- “mini yes” with your visitors that keeps them on your site.

So why do many companies not include the right information on their homepage? Too often a familiarity with the site and the company is assumed and these basics are forgotten in favour of either a flash design or a hasty attempt to sell products or services. Time and time again, our user testing shows we tend to overestimate our visitors when it comes to knowledge about a site and the services/products offered. This testing also shows that visitor tend to dismiss a site pretty quickly if it is not serving them clear, compelling copy and images in the right way and at the right time.

Sure, you site will get repeat customers who already know your company and want to skip right to their product or service of interest. You will however also attract a lot of brand new visitors who have no idea what you offer or what the difference is between your products and the ones your competitors offer. When they compare a few options online, your job is to make sure your site is the one they will investigate further due to its clarity and appeal.

Is your site clear enough?

Please take a moment right now to look at your homepage with full attention. Try to look at it through the eyes of someone who has never before see your website and is not familiar with your company and the products/services you offer. Ask yourself: “At first glance, is it absolutely clear what I offer and why the visitor will benefit from using my product compared to our competitors? Does it communicate my Key Value Proposition and at least 3 benefits such as “free shipping, exclusive brands, money back guarantee, free in-home consultation, widest range, 20 years’ expert experience, customer service, etc.” ?

If this isn’t the case, our recommendation is to change your current copy or add some more creating more clarity. Try to capture in 2-3 sentences your core Value proposition that will appeal to your audience and will create a “mini yes” in the chain of yes’ses.  This will lower your bounce rate and is very likely to increase your conversion rates. If you are unsure about the best message, you could split test a few options to find out what works most effectively.

Make sure to add more clarity to your site today and enjoy better results.

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