You’ve tried adding new content. You’ve tried updating images. You’ve even changed the color of the order buttons on your site but visitors still aren’t buying your products and services. What else can you do to entice visitors and increase sales?

Perhaps you’re trying too hard. Here are five reasons why conversion rates remain low and what to do about them.

What Story Does Your Site Tell?

The problem might not be what’s on your website, but rather the message it’s sending to visitors. Failing to clearly communicate what you’re selling could cause conversion rates to remain stagnant or decrease over time. With increased competition online, it’s important now more than ever to create a site that quickly and clearly tells people what you have to sell.

Take a long look at your site design – does it look like every other website? What makes your site special? How can you improve design elements like images, page headings, and content to tell visitors a complete story about your business?

Are Visitors Finding What They Need?

If visitors can’t find what they need, they will move on to another website – and quickly. But how do you know what visitors need if you can’t ask them directly? Start by asking for feedback. Create a short survey that pops up as visitors browse through your site. You can also create a comments section on your site so visitors can leave comments/complaints.

Way Too Much Content!

Even though content helps sell goods and services, improper placement of content can overcrowd websites making them impossible to navigate. Have you ever visited a site that had too many links on the homepage? Have you visited a site with too many images? Overwhelming visitors will only make them turn and run. Pick and choose content for your homepage and subsequent that’s inviting, but still relevant to visitors.

Not Enough Content

On the flip side, you may not be providing enough content for visitors to make informed decisions when making a purchase. In this case, review web pages to see if you’ve provided enough details to make a sale. Update images and add charts, graphs, video clips, and white papers to ensure visitors have what they need.

Do My Free Offers Justify Placing an Order?

Just because you offer a free product/service or discount for placing an order doesn’t mean you’ll see an increase in sales. Make sure the offer is comparable to the sale. In other words, don’t offer an ebook with outdated information or a really small discount on future orders if you expect visitors to pay full price for items on your site.

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