Sometimes things just don’t go our way. If the changes you’ve made to your website haven’t yielded the results you want (i.e. increased sales, beefed up email list, increased requests for whitepapers, etc.), you must continue to press forward. Giving up and settling for mediocre results is not an option. To increase conversion rates, you must test and retest until you find that right combination of content that sells, sells, sells.

Don’t Panic

Conversion rates will not increase over night. In fact, it may take six months to a year before you see steady improvements. The most important thing to do is continue testing and making changes to your site.

Creating a plan and sticking to it will make this time less stressful. If you haven’t written down a plan, do so now. List all the changes you plan to make and then start making them. This is especially useful if working with a team. Unfortunately, not everyone sees the value of conversion rate optimization – that is until you can prove that changes to the site have increased revenue.

But if you create a plan with milestones and concrete actions, you can convince most people to give it a try. This plan will also fuel your momentum to keep moving forward even in the face of negative or inconclusive test results.

Give it More Time

Be realistic in how much time you give after making changes to see results. This is especially important for new website businesses that haven’t seen much increase in traffic yet. As more and more people visit your site, you will be able to gauge how effective changes to the site have been.

In the meantime, move forward with other changes or spend some time reviewing your sales funnel, ordering process, and customer feedback to see where additional improvements should be made.

Have Faith in the Process

If you’ve reviewed your site, studied website analytics, listened to customer/visitor feedback and/or your gut, and created a CRO plan to implement changes, relax and have faith that what you’ve done will pay off in the end.

Yes, you will have to routinely make changes to the site. Yes, you will have to update your plan quarterly or yearly to accommodate website growth. Yes, you may have to rethink business goals and lower conversion expectations if traffic isn’t what it should be. All this comes with running an online business. But if you trust in the process, you will see results within a few months.


Make sure you check out our page on CRO is if you want to learn more

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