Unfortunately, cart abandonment happens. Visitors get all the way through your sales funnel only to leave items in their cart without making a purchase. Whether by mistake, small Internet glitch or hiccup, or last minute purchase jitters, there are ways to reduce abandonment or keep visitors interested by reminding them that their cart is full.

Leaving so Soon?

Add a pop-up message that lets visitors know they’re about to abandon their shopping cart if they decide to click away from your site. This may prompt some people to rethink their decision and make the purchase after all. Let visitors know they will lose the contents of the cart unless they sign in and save the list for another time. Not only should this reduce some cart abandonment issues, it will also encourage visitors to create an account so you can send a reminder to their email later (along with other promotional stuff).

Your Cart has Stuff in It!

Send email alerts to those who have abandoned their carts to encourage sales. Don’t take offense if a visitor leaves before completing their transaction – they may have become distracted, accidentally left your site by clicking on the wrong tab, or may have experienced an interruption in Internet service. Sending a friendly reminder could actually result in more sales.

Hi, Nice to See You Again

Create a short message welcoming registered visitors back to your site by reminding them they have stuff in their cart. This message should pop up after they log in. Let visitors know that you’re glad they’ve returned and you hope they find everything they need. Let them know they can also save items in their cart to purchase another day.

Always Be Nice

No matter how flawless your sales funnel, visitors may not always make an immediate purchase. Having a shopping cart increases the chances of you eventually converting that visitor into a paying customer. So if you’re thinking of removing the cart option, don’t. It’s always better to encourage future sales by letting people save their purchases for another time than to force people to make the decision right then and there if they’re still not ready.

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