About Spaceships Rentals

Spaceships Rentals based in Auckland offer their customers a fleet of “Spaceships” campervan vehicles to explore New Zealand, Australia, the UK and Europe. A Spaceship is a custom designed, award-winning vehicle that is like a good car to drive with more useful features than a campervan. Compact, versatile, and fuel efficient. Great to drive on NZ roads, comfortable and packed full of practical features. Their audiences are tourists, backpackers and New Zealanders wanting to explore New Zealand in a cost-effective, flexible way with the convenience of being able to self-drive and camp in it. It is an upgrade from a standard car rental and an alternative to a. ordinary campervan that is bigger, more expensive to operate and harder to drive.

The Challenge:

With their website being the shop window for their world-wide audience, the aim for our project was to increase sales online and or over the phone. Secondary objectives Spaceships communicated were decreasing bounce rate, increasing page views and improve funnels to present key information to visitors. Visitor needed to be able to view and research the Spaceships range easily and receive all the information they needed to make an informed decision to book their vehicle online.

If you are serious about growing your online sales, you should talk to these guys.

The Solution:

Our initial website assessment using our unique Catchi Method yielded a number of key recommendations on how to improve conversion rates and user experience. Based on this assessment we created a clear testing plan, outlining which tests we suggested running on which pages and sections of the website. The goal was to improve the funnel visitor go through in terms of clarity and flow and increase the appeal of the offering. Of particular focus in this respect were the homepage, the vehicle detail pages and the bookings process.

The Outcome:

Using Visual Website Optimizer we then started to run a series of Website Conversion Optimisation tests on an ongoing basis, substantially increasing the global online sales by 30%.

One of the test variations that had a significant impact was one that was focused on the hero banner image on the homepage. The original image showed people with a Spaceship, representing what customers will get. The challenger included a picture that showed a stunning picture of the NZ scenery with people in a Spaceship looking at it, representing where they will be able to go and what they will be able to see. Even though this may seem like a relatively simple test, the result was significant: 8.5% more visitors completing bookings.